Social media should not be filled with jargon - it's actually very simple and easy to explain ... but there is one important technical term to understand. The 'like-gate' ...
The simplest explanation of a 'like-gate' within social media marketing is: 'a barrier requiring a Facebook visitor to "Like" a brand’s page before they can access certain content'. Like-gating is a method to increase Facebook Fans more quickly than otherwise possible.
Most business are using Facebook as part of their social media marketing but often don't use it to the best effect - simply having a Facebook page is NOT enough, not anymore.
The reason Facebook and social media marketing work is because of work of mouth - just now it's easier to publish what we think on our Facebook pages. The core importance of word of mouth marketing has not changed but the delivery device has ...
Some layout examples of Facebook social media marketing, Facebook 'like-gate' and promotional page within a Facebook page:

E-creation's Facebook social media marketing campaign case study using Facebook 'like-gate' for
"Win a designer handbag filled with champagne and lemonade"
Ok, so the prize concept is cool. We linked the brand name (Champagne & Lemonade) with the prize itself, maximising the impact of the campaign (the prize being a vintage designer handbag filled with a bottle of vintage champagne & high quality lemonade).
Because of certain rules the Facebook has in place regarding forcing users to 'like' a page before they are entered into a competition, functionality must be created using Facebook's Developer area or 3rd party software. However, 3rd party companies often apply their own branding to campaigns or charge a huge premium (Wildfire charge up to £3,500 for a 3 month license for a 'brandless' solution).
Our social media marketing campaigns can be delivered within 3 days for under £2,000 for a simple yet effective campaign, when we integrate 3rd party functionality. What do we deliver?
- A clever concept for a prize or reward that will reflect your brand values
- Layout for the promotion page in Facebook
- Delivery of existing network of friends and business contacts initially seed the campaign.
- Create Facebook social ads to increase awareness amongst Facebook users.
Some of the rules that Facebook has in place that you need to consider:
- You cannot run a competition that allows people to enter just by ‘liking’ the page. Or by ‘liking’ a post, status message, link, picture or video.
- However, you can ask them to ‘like’ your page before they enter the competition via a third party application or another website (This is were Wildfire helps - but it costs ...)
- You cannot run the competition directly on your Facebook page. It has to be via a third party application or another website. You can promote it via your Facebook page wall but the actual competition has to be via an application or another website (the obvious place is your website or blog).
- You cannot notify your winners via Facebook at all. They must be emailed with their notification of winning or told via your website for example.
- You must add a Facebook disclaimer on your competition application or wherever you are hosting your competition, if the competition is to be promoted on Facebook. The disclaimer is: "This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to [disclose recipient(s) of information] and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for [disclose any way that you plan to use the user's information]."
- You must ensure that all entrants to your competition are NOT staff, sponsors or associated with in any way to Facebook.
- You cannot ask people to create an account with Facebook itself in order to enter your competition.
- You can collect information about your entrants (such as email address, name, location etc) if you are using an application or web form for your competition.
- You cannot ask people to upload something for the competition to your Facebook page wall. This has to be done via a third party application or your website/blog.